sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

Good posture is a healthy habit

Many of us do not worry about having a healthy life, beginning with the lack of exercise is essential in our day-to-day.

In day-to-day we ignore or do not notice some evils that plague us and undermine our spinal column. We constantly have bad habits such as: not sitting properly, we turn sharply in the car to talk with someone, we reach down to grab something on the floor among others. Excess weight is another bad thing for our spinal column, as well as prolonged use of a high heeled shoes. (Women love!)

Whether at work, at home or elsewhere, we commit to small and big mistakes, sometimes imperceptible, but harmful to our spine.

If you do not take care of our posture, we may cause serious problems that may lead us to scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spine) or lower back pain and / or neck.

Physical activity helps combat obesity and promote good circulation, leaving us more active and willing pro hustle and bustle of day to day. This habit is essential for at least three times a week to maintain a healthy pace, allowing our welfare! Stay Tuned!

Um comentário:

  1. O Fanzine Episódio Cultural é uma jornal bimestral (Machado-MG/Brasil) sem fins lucrativos distribuído gratuitamente em várias instituições culturais, entre elas: Casa das Rosas (SP/SP), Inst. Moreira Salles (Poços de Caldas-MG) e Cia Bella de Artes (Poços de Caldas-MG). De acordo com o editor e poeta mineiro Carlos Roberto de Souza (Agamenon Troyan), “o objetivo é enfocar assuntos relacionados à cultura, e oferecer um espaço gratuito para que escritores, poetas, atores, dramaturgos, artistas plásticos, músicos, jornalistas... possam divulgar suas expressões artísticas”.
